- Fees & Limit
- Complaint Mechanism
What information are you looking for?
Bina is a digital banking services from PT Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. This application was developed to provide easy access to banking features through your mobile phone without having to come to a branch office. You can see the Bina feature here!
Bina is the name of the digital banking application issued by Bank Ina Perdana.
Bina encourages MSME entrepreneurs to fulfill their banking needs easily, safely, and comfortably. For more details, you can see the benefits of Bina here.
Bina is a digital banking service that does not have a special branch office. If you need help, you can directly contact the Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738). However, you can still come to the nearest Bank INA Perdana branch office.
- Check account balance
- Check transaction history
- Open digital savings
- Transfer to Bina’s account
- Transfer to Other Banks
- Pay postpaid bills
- Buy prepaid vouchers
The Bina application is currently accessible via:
- On Android phones version 7.0 and above
If you are an Indonesian citizen (WNI) who is at least 17 years old and has an e-KTP, you can already fulfill the requirements to become a Bina customer.
Nope! You just need to register directly from the Bina application, without having to be a previous Bank Ina Perdana customer. By opening an account through Bina, you automatically become a customer of Bank Ina Perdana.
Every Indonesian citizen with an e-KTP can open an account for him/herself. The process is easy, you only need a smartphone and a stable internet network. So you can invite your friends and relatives to open their own accounts!
OTP is One-Time-Password which is a temporary password code and can only be used once.
OTP is useful for verifying that the number you are using is active and that you are the authentic owner of the registered number in Bina.
- Make sure that the number you entered was correct.
- Wait a few minutes as stated in the application before making another OTP request again.
- If you are still experiencing the same problem, please contact Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738).
Username and password are used to enter the Bina application. This information is only for you because it is confidential.
Never tell your username, password, OTP, or PIN to anyone, including those on behalf of Bina or Bank Ina Perdana. Bank Ina employees never ask any of your confidential information.
The username you create can be a combination of letters and numbers consisting of 8-16 characters. Your username is unique and permanent, therefore you can only create your username once.
While the password you created contains:
- Consists of 8-12 characters
- There are uppercase and lowercase letters
- There are numbers
This is a requirement for opening an account following the applicable OJK Regulations.
You have to make sure again that your e-KTP photo data can be read clearly and your face photo is clearly visible and not blurry. Also, refrain from wearing masks, glasses, and hats.
Before you make a mistake, make sure the information you enter is correct! But if it’s already wrong, don’t worry 🙂 For data that you cannot change through the application, please contact Call INA at 1500738.
You can still apply for a Bina account opening and if you already have NPWP, you can update your data from the ‘Account’ menu in the Bina application.
You can update your NPWP data after your Bina account opening has been approved, by:
- Go to the ‘Akun’ menu
- Select the ‘Ubah Profile’ section
- Then select ‘Upload NPWP’
- Prepare your TIN and click the ‘Foto NPWP’ button. You can take a photo of your NPWP using your mobile phone camera or upload it from your photo gallery.
- Make sure again that the text field displays number that matches the data on your NPWP.
- If it is correct, click the ‘Lanjut’ button. Your NPWP data update is complete!
You can make video calls with Bank Ina Officer every Monday – Saturday at 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.
You only need to prepare the original e-KTP and then follow the instructions of the Bank Ina Officer.
You need to repeat the video call with the Bank Ina Officer to complete the application process for opening a Bina account.
You can ask for help towards Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738), we are waiting for your submission!
If you lose your mobile phone, immediately contact Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738).
If you forget your username:
- On the ‘Masuk Akun’ page, click ‘Lupa Username/Password ?’
- On the ‘Lupa Username/Password’ page, select ‘Lupa Username’
- Enter your NIK number on your e-KTP and Password, then click ‘Lanjut’
- OTP will be sent via SMS. If you have not received the OTP, you can resend OTP after waiting for 1 minute.
- Enter the OTP code sent to your registered phone number.
- If correct, then your username will be displayed on the screen. You can copy your username to try logging in again. The process of forgetting your username is complete!
If you forget your password:
- On the ‘Masuk Akun’ page, click ‘Lupa Username/Password ?’
- On the ‘Lupa Username/Password’ page, select ‘Lupa Password’
- Enter your Username and NIK number on your e-KTP, then click ‘Continue’
- OTP will be sent via SMS. If you have not received the OTP, you can resend OTP after waiting for 1 minute.
- Enter the OTP code sent to your registered phone number.
- If correct, then you can create a new password. Make sure the New Password text field matches the Confirm New Password text field.
- The process of forgetting your password is complete! You can try logging in again.
The password is used so that you can enter the Bina Account, while the PIN is used to authenticate your actions in every important activity in the Bina application.
Of course you can change your PIN!
- Go to the ‘Akun’ menu
- Select the ‘Ubah PIN Transaksi’ section
- Enter your PIN, then click the “OK” button
- If correct, then you can create a new PIN. Make sure the new PIN you enter matches the Confirm New PIN. Your PIN change is complete!
- When you were going to input PIN, click ‘Lupa PIN ?’ if you forgot your PIN
- Enter your NIK number on your e-KTP and Password for data verification, then click ‘Lanjut’
- OTP will be sent via SMS. If you have not received the OTP, you can resend OTP after waiting for 1 minute.
- Enter the OTP code sent to your registered phone number.
- If correct, then you can create a new PIN. Make sure the new PIN you enter matches the Confirm New PIN. Your PIN change is complete!
Never tell your username, password, OTP, or PIN to anyone, including those on behalf of Bina or Bank Ina Perdana. Bank Ina employees never ask for your confidential information.
If you experience this inconvenience, you can report it to Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738).
Of course, you can access your Bina account using a different device, here’s how:
- Download the Bina application on the device to be used
- Enter your Username and Password, then click the ‘Masuk’ button
- Enter your NIK from e-KTP for verification process, then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- OTP will be sent via SMS. If you have not received the OTP, you can resend OTP after waiting for 1 minute.
- Enter the OTP code sent to your registered phone number. Sign in to your account is done!
You can ask for help at Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738).
Email Verification is useful for authenticating that the email address you are using is active and that you are the original owner of the email address registered with Bina.
- Go to the ‘Akun’ menu
- Select the ‘Ubah Profile’ section
- Click the ‘Ubah’ button next to the data column you want to update
Your Digital Savings is useful as:
- The main account of your Bina account
- Receive funds that enter your account
- To make transfer/pay/buy transactions from your account balance
- And many other uses, let’s open your Bina account now!
Huhu, so sad we have to separate our paths 🙁 closing Digital Savings means you also close your Bina Account. You can ask for help from the Call INA at 1500738 for the account closing process.
Unfortunately, your Digital Savings account number is generated automatically by the system.
Of course, there will be interest earned! Therefore, keep increasing your balance so that the interest you get is also increasing!
The calculation of the interest you get will be done every day, but the accumulated interest you can earn is done at the beginning of the month.
The interest you get applies under the applicable Bank Ina policy. You can see the full table here.
Currently, at Bina, you can buy prepaid vouchers and pay postpaid phone bills. But don’t worry, we will continue to develop more features so that you are comfortable using Bina!
- Select ‘Bayar/Beli’ on the main menu
- Select ‘Pulsa’ from the list of services
- Enter your phone number
- Select your preferred nominal prepaid voucher on the list, then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Re-check if the nominal you’re going to purchase, along with your phone number is correct. Also make sure you have enough balance to make this transaction
- If it is correct, click the ‘Bayar’ button and enter your PIN. Your prepaid voucher purchase is complete!
- Select the ‘Bayar/Beli’ feature on the main menu
- Select Paket Data’ from the list of services
- Enter your phone number
- Select the data plan you preffered, then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the selected data plan along with the phone number that you entered before confirming the payment. Also make sure you have enough balance to make this transaction
- If it is correct, click the ‘Bayar’ button and enter your PIN. Your data plan purchase is complete!
- Select the ‘Bayar/Beli’ feature on the main menu
- Select ‘Pascabayar’ from the list of services
- Enter your phone number, then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the phone number along with the bills you have to pay before confirming the payment. Also make sure you have enough balance to make this transaction.
- If it is correct, click the ‘Bayar’ button and enter your PIN. Your bill payment is complete!
Payment/purchase transaction fees are different for each service provider.
- Select the ‘Transfer’ feature on the main menu
- Select ‘Transfer ke Bank Ina’ from the list of services
- Enter the recepient’s account number, then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the name and account number of the destination. If it is correct, click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Enter the nominal amount to be transferred and notes (if any), then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the name and account number of the destination, as well as the amount to be transferred. Also make sure you have enough balance to make this transaction
- If it is correct, click the ‘Transfer’ button and enter your PIN. Your transaction is complete!
You are free of transfer fees to other Bina forever!
- Select the ‘Transfer’ feature on the main menu
- Select ‘Transfer ke bank lain’ from the list of services
- Select the destination bank from the list of banks provided
- Enter the number from the recipient’s Bank Account, after that click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the name and account number of the destination. If it is correct, click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Enter the nominal amount to be transferred, purpose of transfer, and notes (if any), then click the ‘Lanjut’ button
- Double-check the name and account number of the destination, as well as the amount to be transferred. Also make sure you have enough balance to make this transaction
- If it is correct, click the ‘Transfer’ button and enter your PIN. Your transaction is complete!
Via ATM:
- Select Transfer between Banks
- Select Bank Ina Perdana in the Recipient Bank list, then enter the code for Bank Ina Perdana (513)
- After that, enter your Bina account number
- Enter the desired amount
- Continue the process until it’s finished
Via m-banking/Digital banking:
- Select Transfer between Banks
- Select Bank Ina Perdana in the Recipient Bank list
- Next, enter your Bina account number
- Enter the desired amount
- Continue the process until it’s finished
Through internet banking:
- Login to the internet banking application.
- Select ‘Transfer to another bank account’
- On the transfer screen display, fill in the bank you are sending to Bank Ina Perdana.
- After that, enter your Bina account number
- Enter the desired amount
- Continue the process until it’s finished
The Bina application is free of monthly administration fees, free of dormant account fees, and there is no minimum deposit of funds.
You can ask for help at the Call INA at 1500738, email to BisaNanya@bankina.id, or Whatsapp Bank INA Digital (0855-1500-738).
Credit facility for business capital provided by Bank Ina to selected Bank Ina Partner Merchants, who have fulfilled the requirements and credit application.
- Fast and easy application process
- Low interest rates with low fees
- Direct disbursement and can be done multiple times
- Flexible loan tenor and repayment
The given limit varies from IDR 2 million to IDR 25 million according to Bank Ina’s provision.
- To apply Digital Loan Bina, make sure you have fulfilled the requirements and criteria of the borrower that already determined by Bank Ina.
- Open loan menu on merchant’s application, then click ‘Pinjaman Digital Bina’.
- Complete all required data including e-KTP and selfie photo.
- After the application completed, you can wait for the result of your application.
Your application will be processed for a maximum of 3 working days since the credit application form is completed.
You can try to apply for a new loan after 6 months since the last application date.
You can choose the loan tenor, starting from 14 days, 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months.
The loan will be disbursed to the Bank Ina Partner’s digital wallet.
You will be charged an administration fee for every disbursement you make. This Administration Fee will automatically be deducted from your loan principal. You can see the pricing here.
You can use Digital Loan Bina at partners that collaborating with Bank Ina. Currently, Bank Ina is collaborating with:
- OttoPay
You can do repayment Digital Loan Bina in 2 ways:
- On the loan due date, make sure that the payment funds (principal amount+interest) are available in your Digital Savings account, or
- The system will automatically deduct your digital wallet balance in the partner app.
Late payment will have a result in:
- Incurred daily fines from all your bills (principal amount+interest), following applicable provisions
- You cannot make the next disbursement
- Your credit rating will decrease in SLIK (Financial Information Service System) from OJK, which can make it difficult for you to obtain financing from other banks or companies.
Application that can only be used by Bina Agents to process financial or non-financial transactions for Bank INA customers, especially BSA customers.
You can carry out multiple transactions, according to your classification as an agent. Therefore, you can increase transactions for your store safely and comfortably and also monitor the transactions that you make directly.
Bina Agent will be divided into several classifications and each classification can enjoy different benefits in the future. If you want to level up, you can fulfill the terms and condition and contact Bank INA.
You must ensure that your balance remains sufficient so that failure does not occur when making transactions.
Don’t worry, you can immediately make a transfer from another bank to your Tabina Laku Pandai account and ensure that in the future your balance is sufficient so the transactions at your shop are not hampered. The way to make sure your balance is not less than the minimum limit you need, according to your current classification.
1. As a Agent Bina, make sure your customer’s Payment ID / Cellphone Number is correct. If the payment ID / cellphone number is entered incorrectly, failure information will appear.
2. If the input is correct and the balance has been deducted but the payment is still considered failed, then there is a possibility of a system problem on our part or on a third party, for this you can contact Call INA 1500738.
We will return your funds within H+3 working days if it is indicated that the transaction failed.
Don’t worry, try doing the following steps:
A. For cash deposit transactions
1. If a customer makes a cash deposit and the information appears failed, make sure your balance as an agent is sufficient, because the balance in your account will be deducted according to the nominal amount of the cash deposit, and you will receive physical money instead.
2. If your balance is sufficient but failure information appears, there may be a problem with our system, for this we apologize in advance and you can try again in a few moments.
B. For cash withdrawal transactions
1. If a customer makes a cash withdrawal, make sure you prepare physical money in your shop’s cash register, because when a customer makes a cash withdrawal, the customer’s balance will be deducted according to the withdrawal amount, and your balance as an agent will increase, but you are obliged to provide the money physically to the customer according to the nominal amount the customer wanted to withdraw previously.
2. If the customer’s balance is sufficient but failure information appears, there may be a problem with our system, for this we apologize in advance and you can try again in the future.
3. If the customer’s balance is insufficient, failure information will also appear.
You can process customer complaints directly to the Call INA at 1500738, WhatsApp +628551500738, or email bisananya@bank.id
If you lose your cellphone, you can temporarily block the Bina Agent app and your savings facility by contacting Call INA 1500738.
Furthermore, if you already have a replacement cellphone, you can download the app again.
Avoid changing your cellphone number and email to make the reactivation process easier, in accessing your Bina Agent account again.

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What information are you looking for?
- Tabungan Digital Bina
- Pinjaman Digital Bina
- Laku Pandai
Biaya bulanan | Rp0 |
Biaya pembukaan rekening | Rp0 |
Biaya penutupan rekening | Rp0 |
Biaya rekening pasif (tidak ada transaksi dalam 6 bulan selain pajak & bunga) | Rp0 |
Biaya di bawah saldo minimum | Rp0 |
Kirim uang ke sesama Bina | Rp0 |
Kirim uang ke rekening Bank Ina | Rp0 |
Kirim uang ke rekening bank lain (BI-FAST) | Rp0 |
Kirim uang ke rekening bank lain (Transfer Online) | Rp6.500 |
Pembelian pulsa | Sesuai kebijakan mitra |
Pembelian paket data | Sesuai kebijakan mitra |
Pembayaran tagihan pascabayar | Sesuai kebijakan mitra |
Suku Bunga
Jenis Tabungan | Suku Bunga |
Tabungan Digital | 1% p.a. |
Tabungan Simpanan | 4% p.a. |
Kirim uang ke sesama Bina | Rp10.000 | Rp100.000.000 | Rp250.000.000 |
Kirim uang ke rekening Bank Ina | Rp10.000 | Rp100.000.000 | Rp250.000.000 |
Kirim uang ke rekening bank lain (BI-FAST) | Rp10.000 | Rp100.000.000 | Rp250.000.000 |
Kirim uang ke rekening bank lain (Transfer Online) | Rp10.000 | Rp50.000.000 | Rp100.000.000 |
Pembelian pulsa | Sesuai nominal pembelian | Rp10.000.000 | Rp10.000.000 |
Pembelian paket data | Sesuai nominal pembelian | Rp10.000.000 | Rp10.000.000 |
Pembayaran tagihan pascabayar | Sesuai nominal pembelian | Rp100.000.000 | Rp100.000.000 |
QRIS | Rp1.000 | Rp5.000.000 | Rp20.000.000 |
Top up OttoCash dan i.saku | Rp10.000 | Rp100.000.000 | Rp250.000.000 |
Top up GoPay | Sesuai nominal pembelian | Sesuai kebijakan mitra | Rp10.000.000 |
Biaya administrasi | Mulai dari 1% / pencairan (sesuai kerjasama partner) |
Biaya bunga | mulai dari 1% / pencairan (sesuai kerjasama partner) |
Suku Bunga
Pinjaman Digital Bina | mulai dari 18% - 24% efektif / tahun, sesuai kerjasama partner |
Pencairan pinjaman | Sesuai limit yang tersedia / Maks. Rp100.000.000 |
Based on the prevailing laws and regulations, as a Customer, you can file a complaint regarding your experience when using the website or application of PT Bank Ina Perdana, Tbk.
Bank Ina provides several ways to submit a complaint, which are as follows:
- Verbally:
- Customers can visit the nearest Bank Ina branch office; or
- Customers can contact Call INA at 1500 738. You can contact our Contact Center Monday-Friday at 06.00 – 20.00 WIB.
- Written:
- Customers can send an email to BisaNanya@bankina.id;
- Customers can reach us through social media Instagram (@bankinaperdana) and Facebook (Bank INA);
- Customers can contact Bank Ina via Whatsapp at Bank Ina Digital (+62 855 1500 738);
- Customers can submit complaints through Bank Ina website (https://bankina.co.id) and Bank Ina Digital website (https://binadigital.id); or
- Customers can submit complaints by mail to the following address:
PT Bank Ina Perdana
Ariobimo Sentral Building , 3rd Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X 2 Kav 5
South Jakarta 12950
Service and Resolution of Complaints Procedure
Complaints that have been submitted by the Customer will be resolved within 20 (twenty) working days from the date of the complaint received by the Bank. There are some special conditions that may cause the complaints to be extended. Therefore, the Bank will notify the customer in written form before the first 20 (twenty) working days ends.
Specific conditions that may cause customer complaints to be extended include:
- Banks require to fulfill the completeness of documents; or
- Banks require additional time to resolve the complaints that may be caused by certain conditions with the consideration of the applicable legal provisions.
Download Bina Now
Sign up now and enjoy the ease of banking services for your business with Bina.